Planeshift zendikar pdf
Planeshift zendikar pdf

planeshift zendikar pdf

The vampires and sirens of Ixalan, however, present greater challenges to incorporate into non-Ixalan campaigns, and thus it might be simpler for a DM to leave those elements out than to try to merge them in seamlessly. Similarly, it wouldn’t be surprising for the players to encounter a region where goblins and orcs are readily accepted by the rougher elements of society, and thus integrate to a greater extent than usual with the more “civilized” races.

planeshift zendikar pdf

Merfolk are most easily incorporated into campaigns that haven’t yet had seaborne elements they simply become a fact-of-life the players haven’t run into yet. Joining them are the all-new avian Sirens, as well as Ixalan variants of the merfolk, vampires, and goblins that Ixalan shares with Zendikar, including rules to treat those shared races as a single race with multiple sub-races. Similarly, while the orcs of the Brazen Coalition have a different history and appearance, they use the PHB’s statistics for half-orcs. With the exception of adapting to the language peculiarities of the Ixalan setting, they are identical to the humans presented in the Player’s Handbook. As always, humans appear as the most populous race. Ixalan also provides several exotic new races for player characters, including new takes on several races that previously appeared in Plane Shift: Zendikar. It’s easy to imagine the kinds of adventures members of each faction would participate in. In addition to a thumbnail description for each faction, the supplement includes roleplaying guides for each faction as well as a breakdown of which classes appear in each and what role those classes play in that faction. On the other hand, the Empire also struggles to hold their current lands against the invading force of vampiric conquistadors of the Legion of Dusk, while the pirates of the Brazen Coalition prey upon the vessels of all factions. They seek to expand back into territory they once occupied that is currently held by the River Guardians faction, who seek to protect the ruins and artifacts of the Empire from the abuse that led to the Empire’s original exile. Capturing the flavor of the Aztec, Incan, and Mayan empires, the Sun Empire is dominates the eastern coast of Ixalan.


A quick conversion to the D&D 5e rules later, and after the introduction the PDF opens with four nations, the factions that serve as the center of conflict for the plane, of which the Sun Empire is the first. Ixalan, after all, being one of the planes that MtG takes place on.


Like the previous Plane Shift offerings, provides considerable material that can be incorporated into existing campaigns and is available as a free download on the Magic the Gathering side of the WotC website. So, I happen to have these parchments from the Archives of Candlekeep, here you go, one for you, ok. Can you take us to Ixalan? Ostron: Ixalan? Uh, sure, but first, it might be worth going over what we can expect. Oooh! I have a plan! We can get the finest stuff right at the source. Ostron: Well, you should just do what any good adventurer does - look for an item to give a bonus to your Persuasion skill check! Ryu: Yeah, take it from me: chocolate. Even with my ukulele my Performance check would be a critical failure what with still recovering from the Ryuflu, and just in case the Ryuflu turns out to be lycanthropy, moonlit walks on the beach are probably best avoided… I’m just stuck for ideas. It’s Valentine’s day and I’ve still not managed to find anything for my wife. Ryu: Hey Len, everything alright? Lennon: Ehhhh, kinda. This article was first broadcast in Episode Eleven on 14th February 2018.

Planeshift zendikar pdf